• Mental health and wellbeing support for refugees and asylum seekers Yorkshire and Humber region

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Sheffield and South Yorkshire

Solace is part of the SPRING (Sheffield Project for Refuge Integration and Growth) project which is an EU funded partnership between 6 organisations delivering support to refugees from the point at which they get leave to remain.

Child and Family Wellbeing Project

Our service and why we are different

Specialist child and family therapy for refugee children who are part of the Syrian and Vulnerable Children’s Resettlement Programme.

UK Resettlement Scheme

Our service and why we are different

A regional project led by our specialist therapists, improving wellbeing, and alleviating suffering in the people we support.

Lifeline Leeds

Our service and why we are different

A Leeds based project led by our specialist therapists, improving wellbeing, and alleviating suffering in the people we support.


Our service and why we are different

A regional project led by our specialist therapists, improving wellbeing, and alleviating suffering in the people we support.

Kirklees & Calderdale

Our service and why we are different

A regional project led by our specialist therapists, improving wellbeing, and alleviating suffering in the people we support.

Stress Management

Group Therapy

We teach tools for people to take away and use in their own life to help them cope in times of crisis.

Solace in Bradford

Our service and why we are different

Solace has been running a small therapy service in Bradford in partnership with Refugee Action since 2009. It is currently open on Monday afternoon and all day on Wednesday.